Tooth decay is the most common problem in the mouth. Almost everyone has suffered at least one decayed tooth throughout their lives, so we all know what a burden it is. However, as dentists, we try to stress the importance of that visit.
Most studies and recommendations from healthcare foundations worldwide recommend visiting your dentist at least once a year, with once every six months being the perfect rate. But until you can go, we offer advice on detecting changes in your teeth and mouth and recognizing tooth decay at an early stage.
How is decay formed?
Tooth decay is a trifecta of bacteria, food remnants, and time. When the food remnants are left on the surface of the teeth for a while – in other words, if you skip brushing or flossing even for a day –the bacteria inside the mouth start to feed on these remnants. They begin producing acids and toxins that can dissolve the minerals in the teeth, and the decay process starts.
How do we recognize tooth decay at an early stage?
Although that is primarily your dentist’s job, a few signs and symptoms should alert you and, therefore, make you hasten your plans to visit the dentist. These include:
- Black marks on the teeth: Black marks don’t always mean decay, but they are a sure-proof sign that you should schedule a dental visit as soon as possible.
- Mild/moderate pain: Pain is, of course, an indicator of a problem. However, most people think they can tough it out and endure some pain as opposed to the pain of going to the dentist. Pain from decay is usually mild or moderate and is generally associated with eating sweets and sugars.
- Holes or cavities in your teeth: Teeth anatomy differs for everyone. Most imperfections you can see or feel alone might not always mean you found a cavity. Still, if you are concerned about a particular irregularity in your tooth anatomy, you should check it with your dentist.
What to do to avoid decay?
You’re probably sick of hearing this by now, but we cannot stress strongly enough the importance of a strict oral hygiene regimen. With such a regimen, you do all you can to ensure tooth decay stays as far away from your teeth for as long as possible.
Here is how you should do it:
- Brush your teeth twice daily, once before bedtime.
- Use Fluoridated toothpaste, but don’t overdo it with the amount. About a pea-sized amount is enough.
- Floss, floss, floss. Often neglected but never forgotten, only flossing can clean the shielded and difficult-to-clean areas between the teeth.
- Use Fluoridated mouthwash. With the guidance of your dentist or hygienist, you should use a mouthwash with a suitable concentration of Fluoride to help rinse the food remnants off your teeth and add protective layers to the surface of the teeth.
- Keep up with your follow-up appointments. As we said, once a year is good, and twice a year is excellent. Your dentist’s help is invaluable not only for treating problems but also for early scanning and detection of these problems.
We were blessed with two complete sets of beautiful, perfect teeth. We won’t get a Third, so cherish them.
Article written by Dr. Alberto Meza
Dr. Meza provides patients with valuable insights and expert guidance to help them achieve optimal dental well-being.
His commitment to delivering high-quality care and staying updated on the latest dental advancements makes him a trusted source for comprehensive dental solutions.